For this assignment, we were told to design a menu to be used on a DVD. We could design anything we wanted just as long as we followed the guidelines. I decided to use this opportunity to create a DVD menu intended to showcase my works as an animation student. I intend upon adding the different animations I have created to this DVD in order to make myself a demo reel to be used later when I apply for jobs. I feel that this assignment is a good opportunity for me to focus on my future and make something that I can show people and be proud of.

This is the finished work. Before I got to this point it was critiqued by everyone in my class. They all had suggestions for me that were mostly helpful. Mainly they told me I needed to fill the blank spaces with images of something. So after I got this input I decided upon two images to put in the blank spaces. You can see what they are by simply looking above.
Overall, I think that this menu turned out pretty well. I hope you like it.
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