This next assignment was one in where we had to take 8 phrases and use Photoshop to express them in our own way. The intent was to show how simple phrases could look many different ways when manipulated by a different individual.
This first phrase was simply; "AIDS: Apathy is Lethal." In order to make the word AIDS look the way it does I utilized a text fill in order to make an actual picture of the AIDS virus fill the word.

For this next phrase; "Every Vote Counts," I chose to separate the words to show that each word has an individual importance. This ties in nicely with the actual meaning of the phrase because much like every vote counts, every word counts.

For this last phrase; "Global War on Terror," I utilized different fonts in order to express the meanings of the different words. For 'Global' I chose to use impact because it is a very in your face and powerful font, while I chose to use the font entitled handwriting for 'War on Terror.' I decided to do this because war is gritty and raw, much like handwriting.

Overall we had eight different phrases to put meaning to, this was only three, but I felt that these were the three best that I had to offer. See you next time for more assignments.