Oct 8, 2008

Training Exercise 1

One of the classes that relates to the design aspect of art is Computer Image Making. One of the assignments we were asked to complete was entitled replica. Our job was to find an advertisement that incorporated text and replicate it as best we could using Photoshop.

This first image was the original advertisement. It was then my job to replicate it.

This next image, the one below, was the final product. One of the ways we could have simplified our reconstruction of the ad was by taking pictures of the objects, if we had them, and Photoshop them into our work. However, since I did not own a set of clubs or have a Gatorade bottle on hand, I was forced to draw the objects by hand. I then used various tools such as the gradient tool and the pencil tool to modify the objects. I also rasterized the text and moved the letters closer together so as to make my image more like the original.

Thanks for looking at my pieces. I will be back later and post more work that I have done.

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