Mar 26, 2009

A Nation of Fickle Fellas

This was a school project where the intent was for us to use after effects to create a collage. This means that a bunch of images need to add up to create another separate message. I intended to show the fickle nature of Americans.

A Nation of Fickle Fellas from Brian Kasnick on Vimeo.

Johnny 'The Dog' Lewis

This was an assignment where we were to create a character and make him perform a set of actions. This is one of those actions.

Johnny Bignose from Brian Kasnick on Vimeo.

Mar 19, 2009

Environment Flythrough

This is a flythrough of an environment I am going to use for my final animation in 3D Animation class. There are still a few issues to be worked out so this will be modified further. Hope you like the look.

Environment Fythrough from Brian Kasnick on Vimeo.
